Hand washing and sanitizer
Hand sanitizers and routine hand washing are consistently recommended as the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and microorganisms, and flying on an aircraft is no exception.
Wash your hands for 20 seconds at a time on a regular basis and keep an alcohol-based hand sanitizer on hand for emergencies.
Keep your hands off your face. Avoid touching your face when flying is another piece of advice that applies to other situations as well. This is especially important if you have runny nose or itchy eyes. If you must touch your face, protect yourself with a clean tissue that you may throw away after using hand sanitizer.
Clean the seat area.
In between flights, the cabin crew will clean the space. To make sure your personal space is infection-free, though, carrying and utilising your own antibacterial wipes can help eradicate any germs near your seat.
In a 2018 research on the dirtiest components of aeroplanes, CBC listed the least hygienic surfaces as headrests, seat pockets, seat belts, and table trays. Make sure you give these places a thorough cleaning.
Face mask
Wearing a face mask won’t ensure that you won’t get sick. It will, however, lessen the chance that you become infected. When someone close to you sneezes or coughs, respiratory droplets from that person’s infection might enter your mouth or nose, which is one of the main ways that viruses spread, especially when it comes to coronavirus. Of course, a face mask gives your mouth an extra layer of defence.
On the other hand, wearing a mask constantly raises the risk of infection and is useless. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends changing your face mask if it becomes wet since warm, humid conditions are ideal for microbial growth.
Bring your own entertainment for the journey.
If your airline offers in-flight entertainment, you might want to think about utilising your own personal device—especially if it has a touch screen—instead of the in-flight entertainment system.
You can’t assume that others who have used the in-flight entertainment before you have been as vigilant about germs as you are.
Eat foods high in vitamin C
Eat meals high in vitamin C instead, as this will strengthen your immune system. Foods including broccoli, cauliflower, kale, papaya, kiwi, sweet potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, and orange juice are included in this.
Keep yourself to yourself
The proximity of other passengers to you on an aircraft increases your risk of contracting an illness. Being in close proximity to an infected person (within six feet) is one of the main ways that the coronavirus spreads.
However, you don’t have to talk to the person you’re sitting next to just because you’re seated next to them. Save the small talk for another time and keep to yourself.